Langkawi – I’ll Follow the Sun

After almost a whole day of travelling, we were tired when we arrived at Langkawi – “our” idyllic island.

We seated ourselves in the hotel restaurant overviewing the sea and were thinking of having an early alfresco dinner.

The sun was setting and the view was so beautiful; we decided we would go for a walk by the sea instead, chasing the sun as it went down.DSC_0017

When we reached this board walk, the street lamp was already lit and the view from the board walk was unbelievably enchanting.

The last rays of sun light reflected from the teak wood walkway.

We strolled in the direction of the sun, without knowing where the board walk was leading to.

We finally reached the very end of the board walk where the shore turned into a rocky beach.  We climbed up and down the rocks, having fun. . . . . .  and followed the sun . . . . . . . . . . . .

149 thoughts on “Langkawi – I’ll Follow the Sun

  1. Oh my! What a beautiful photo! That looks like a wonderful place to relax, and let the worries of the world fall behind. Enchanting is the perfect word for it! Rest and enjoy!

  2. This scene just begs me to follow that board walk … so lovely and peaceful looking. I also love the title of your post – it would make a good title for a novel. 🙂

  3. Hello Michael, I tried to read all the replies and I hope no one ask this question before : does it’s an HDR pictures ? Have a great day, Vincent.

    • Hi Paula, long time no speak. Basically, all my shots are hand held as I do not have a tripod. For this one, I took several pictures each with slightly different exposure and composition. I have slightly corrected the verticality of the image and have adjusted slightly the saturation. Regards, Michael

    • This is a HDR? This still does not answer my question about ISO :). Yes, well, we don’t talk that much at all, do we? Take care, Michael.

    • Hi Paula, this is not a HDR – I am not into HDR yet, I don’t like HDR in that it doesn’t give a true presentation of reality. I have set the ISO to a default value of either 100 or 200 usually. I have been using an automatic setting and didn’t care or find out what ISO I have been using as this was at default value. I took approximately 4-5 pictures of approximately the same setting with plus or minus 1 EV and have chosen the best one. Please note that I am not a photographer! Thank you 🙂

    • You could have fooled me Michael. Very often I find your photos to be a better quality than in many of self-proclaimed photographers 🙂 Ja mata 🙂 P.S. I have recently started using bracketing for HDR effect, and very often I hate the result 😉

    • I have to do some tricks with my camera (Fuji X100) to get bracketing of +- 1EV, I have tried once but found that on combing the pictures into HDR, the file size is just too large and unable to show. But as I said, I do not like the results, the HDR is trying to show everything too dark / too bright which the eyes can’t see and combine them in a manner which I don’t understand. I note many bloggers are doing that. the resultant picture looks interesting, but as the one who took the photo, I know that this wasn’t what I saw. I have minimal photographing equipment, basically the Fuji now, as I sold my Nikon D40 – an entry level camera with which this photo was taken. I don’t have a proper tripod (only a mini one which I rarely use). Maybe, I should buy myself something more decent. Regards, Michael

  4. Michael,
    My definition for spiritual formation is a quote that Eugene Peterson, author of The Message (a version of the Bible) took from Friedrich Nietzsche: “a long journey in the same direction.” Your photo of the beautifully-lit walkway disappearing into the horizon is my new favorite to illustrate that concept.

  5. Beautiful sunset!!! I remember fondly as a little girl, my Mom would call everyone to the living room window to see the sunset. Since then I have chased many and always have been grateful for Mom helping me appreciate their beauty.

  6. Beautiful! I also have been to Langkawi and found one of those postcard perfect beaches where you are completely alone and the set up is just like one would imagine dreaming, definitely one of the nicest spots I visited so far

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