Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge : Colors of Red, White or Red and White together

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is the Colors of Red, White or Red and White together

While it is not that difficult to find red or white separately; the challenge is more in having red and white together in a picture and that they are the predominant colors. Frankly speaking, red is not my color. This is not the color I usually encounter in my landscape photography. I only like it  if it makes pictures interesting.

In the pictures below, I have tried to showcase some pictures in which they are the main colors. Some of them can be considered pairs.

While in Hvar island, Croatia, we liked watching boats of flashy  colors in the Hvar harbor. The boats just swayed lazily in the blue Adriatic sea waters.CIMG3564

Hvar is a long island. At its far end, there is an enchanted little fishing town known as Sucraj. Here, we found red and white boats lying on the shore.DSCF0671

Langkawai, Malaysia is an idyllic island which we like going back again and agin for a visit. While wandering along some alleys, we saw these red and white flowers which overwhelmed the whole picture.DSC_0321

Lithuania, Baltic too has got some red flowers which stood out from the white  paving blocks in the pavement.DSC_0382

Wandering the street of Latvia, we stumbled upon this street side artist standing against a wall of red and white rectangles.DSC_0156

The palaces in Lativia, Baltic never failed to arouse our interest. This palace, which displayed some furniture and paintings, was once the residence of the royal family.DSC_0234

It appears that red walls in the upper portion and white in the lower portion were the favored colors of the royal family at the time.DSC_0238

Thanks  Cee for  coming up with this interesting theme for the photo challenge. For more posts showing red and white, please refer to http://www.ceephotography.com/2013/02/19/cees-fun-foto-challenge-the-colors-of-red-white-or-red-and-white-together/