Weekly Photo Challenge: Season ( Up on the Swiss Mountains)

Our Spring is still cold ( by our standards).

As one who lives in the subtropics, Switzerland always seems cold to me except in the Summer months.DSCF8573

Here are a couple of photos taken some years ago.

It was Spring; there was quite a contrast between the bleak snow covered hillsĀ and the grassland down below.DSCF8556

It looks as if there are two seasons there in the picture; Winter on the hills and Spring in the valley below.

Maybe the snow there never melts, even in Summer.

Travel Theme: Edge

It is a bit late for the Travel Theme: Edge, which is the theme for last week.

However, it is better to be late than not to post at all.1731077060_33b9da061e_b

Here are a couple of photos showing a snow covered edge, taken at high altitudes in the Er Mei Mountains of China.1730194571_b7741720d7_b

In Winter, the peaks of Er Mei Shan are cladded in snow, forming a definite edge against the lower blue mountains beyond the edge.

Both photos were taken by my friend CP ChanĀ to which credit is due.


Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route – From Foliage to Snow

We were at the base of the TateyamaĀ KurobeĀ mountains. The hills around us were transformed by the beautiful colors of the Autumn leaves. In Japan, the leaves are called, “kouyou” or “momiji”. The Japanese admire “kouyou” just as they admire cherry blossoms in spring. We were delighted at the sight of the colored foliage.

Heading up the mountain,Ā we wereĀ to ascend 1,975m andĀ wouldĀ experience a temperature dropĀ of 10 degrees when we reach the top.

The TateyamaĀ Kurobe Alpine Route is just 37 km in length, but toĀ tackle this route, there are no other ways butĀ to use 7 different public transports with 5 different modes, namely funicular, bus, trolleybus, aerial tramway, and walking.

On the Tateyama-KurobeĀ Alpine Route, as we ascended from the foot of the mountain, the autumn leaves display a wide range of colours includingĀ  Yellow MinekaedeĀ (one of maple varieties) and DakekambaĀ (Ermanā€™s birch) as well as red Nanakamado (Japanese rowan) could gradually be seen as we proceed toĀ the summit.

As usual, the best sightsĀ you saw were the sights while you are moving. While the funicular railway was making a steep climb, with all the trees seemed slanting, the views outside the funicular window were just picturesque. The fact that the funicularĀ was quite fullĀ and that it was making a steep climb did not stop me from taking some photos from the funicular’s windows.

Not bothered with giving an impression to the fellow passengers on the funicular that I am sort of camera bug, I took a few more photos of the colored foliage on the way up the mountain.

As we proceeded higher up, we changed to aĀ tiredĀ Trolley BusĀ with snow chains. The autumn spectacle ofĀ the multi-coloured leaves disappeared and gradually gave way to a snow scene. Snow was falling. TheĀ fall of snowĀ that hasĀ completely turned the area to white, really compelled us all.

We were finally at 2,450 meters above sea level, at Daikanbo, the highest point of the Alpine Route. DaikanboĀ is located between MurodoĀ and Kurobe-dairaĀ stations, where visitors transfer from the TateyamaĀ Trolley Bus to the TateyamaĀ Ropeway, or vice versa.

For the first time in many years we experiencedĀ  a snow world with different shades of black on theĀ mountains.

We were thrilled by the marvelous snow landscapes.

DaikanboĀ is arguably the best viewing spot on the Alpine Route. An observation deck outside the precipitous offers the splendid view of Ushiro-TateyamaĀ Mountain Range and Lake Kurobe.Ā Ā Here we have a beautiful view of the mountains and the Lake Kurobe down below.

So, we have experienced theĀ  beautiful colors of the fall foliage and the drastic change to the bleak and white and black of the snow cappedĀ mountains.Ā Ā  WeĀ made our way down, taking the ropeway (mountain cable car).

On the way, we have a great view ofĀ the beautiful Lake Kurobe.

We walked the whole length of the tallest dam in Japan at Kurobe andĀ were happy to see colored foliage once againĀ on this other side of the mountainĀ Ā . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .