58 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday : Pamukkale – Cotton Castles, Turkey

  1. Michael this is an astounding photo. I hope you wont think me too forward in letting you know I think you have spelling error in your title. No need to display this comment.

  2. Hi Michael,
    Can you tell me more about the white carbonate minerals? Is there a lot of sodium in them? I never saw that before. Very interesting.

    • Yes very much so.
      I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting on your blog as of late. I upgraded my computer and now I can’t comment on anybody’s (except one) blogs. Very frustrating. Some days, I can’t even open them. 😦
      Have a great summer.

  3. Fascinating image! … and very beautiful 🙂
    It is interesting for me to see this milky-white water in another part of the world as we have a small stream nearby to us that has this same unusual water. I believe it is caused by lime from the underlying rock. Our stream runs through some lovely ancient woodland but it is not quite on the scale of Pamukkale!! Wonderful image, thank you for sharing 🙂

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