Weekly Photo Challenge: Work of Art

This week, I am running pretty late for submitting entries for the WPC: Work of Art.

Here are two pieces of art –  both wood sculptures by my favorite artist Ju Ming.DSCF0042

It appears that the artist has retained a lot of the original trees; minimum sculpturing to give us these wonderful sculptures.

The first sculpture is for a couple lying on the ground.

The second one is a vertical one, representing a seated girl.DSCF0031

Since 2007, Ju Ming only painted his sculptures with white color only.

Please enjoy 🙂


22 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Work of Art

  1. I love these — even before reading what they were supposed to represent, I though they looked like people. Great photos of the artist’s work.

  2. These are very interesting and in a way challenging. I can see the form but I’m not sure what the artist is telling us … perhaps that does not matter

    • For these two sculptures, I don’t think the sculpture is trying to tell us anything other than artistically showing the ordinary attire in real life. Regards, Michael

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