5400 Miles in the USA (Trees)

Actually, I don’t really know how to start talking about my wife’s journey in the States as it wasn’t my journey.

Looking at her photos, I was impressed by the images of many trees which have withered, may be in the Utah deserts or in the canyon lands and I have a desire to share them.CIMG3997

This is quite a different sight from the local scene when for much of the year the wooded areas are lush. Only in a few months in Winter that some of the trees shed their leaves.CIMG3998

The images of withered trees silhouetted against the skyline interested me. In this post, I will be showing a few of them.CIMG4106

I like the ones that were taken during sunset when the withered trees stood alone against the dimming sky and below the trees was a vast area of rippled sand.

I notice, in the canyons, again, many of the trees are dry and withered too.CIMG4352

Some just lie on the ground, looking like a crawling serpent.CIMG4803

My wife has over 1000 pictures taken with the compact camera and a similar number of pictures taken with her iPhone.CIMG4149

I have to find out how these photos can be downloaded onto my PC so that I can share those beautiful photos too!CIMG4213

I have seen samples of petrified trees before, but not large chunks of petrified wood in nature – this is also something that I would like to show in due course.




47 thoughts on “5400 Miles in the USA (Trees)

  1. hi Michael. Great pix. If your wife used an i-phone, just connect it to your PC via the Energy cable she uses to charge it. There’s a USB plug at the other end. Shouldn’t be any problem. ๐Ÿ™‚
    (Though with computers one never knows!)
    Take care

  2. I took a long driving trip in May as well. Went to some of the same places–maybe we were there at the same time! I am anxious to see the photos–always fun to relive such trips, whether mine or someone else’s. I am slowly posting photos from my trip as well. I agree, it is a staggering challenge to decide which pictures to post.

  3. I like the leafless trees against the sky, but also the twisted roots and trunks….your wife has seen some interesting sights and got some great photos to add to her memories!

  4. I think those thees are Utah Junipers. I see them as a reminder that the desert can be an inhospitable place. If only they could talk and tell us what they’ve seen. Wonderful post.

    • I asked my wife who also agree that they are Utah Junipers. Sometimes you just wonder why do they become withered, is it due to the drought?

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